Riverside Head-On Collision Lawyer

I was referred to Jesse from my chiropractor after he reccomended I give him a call a couple of times. I was nervous to call an attorney, but so glad I did! Jesse Bablove handled everything while also ensuring I received any aftercare I needed to recover from the accident! Recognize your value and worth and give them a call. Thank you guys for going above and beyond!

Melanie Tydingco

Mr. Bablove managed to help me receive the maximum payout possible from my auto accident. He was very responsive and made sure I got every bit of medical attention I needed. He’s a good guy, I would highly recommend him.

Jeff Renfro

Upon being referred to the guys at Kohan & Bablove Injury Attorneys, I spoke with Jesse about my case, and from the get go he was super hands on and a genuine guy who treats you like family and cares for the well being of his clients. I would definitely recommend Jesse and his team to one of my friends or family members!

jared batson

Car accidents are terrible, but head-on collisions are some of the most devastating to drivers and passengers, especially on high-speed roads like Highway 74. The forces are significantly increased if both vehicles are traveling at high speeds when they run into each other.

If you were hurt in such a collision, you deserve justice from the at-fault driver. To win a fair settlement, you may need an experienced Riverside head-on collision lawyer from Kohan & Bablove, Injury Attorneys. We have the experience, knowledge, and resources necessary to win the compensation you deserve.

Head-On Collision Causes

A head-on collision can be caused mostly by the same things as any other car accident. We’ll investigate everything involved with the accident—from the location to the vehicles to the other driver’s history. We have to find the cause to find the culprit.

Common causes of head-on collisions in Riverside include the following:

  • Speeding
  • Drunk, drugged, drowsy, and distracted drivers
  • Part and mechanical failure
  • Bad road conditions that should have been corrected
  • Construction zone mistakes

Injuries in Riverside Head-On Collisions

Head-on impacts often cause some of the more severe car accident injuries we see in Riverside. We’ll ensure any damages related to your accident are listed in your claim for compensation. We only get one shot at this, so we have to be accurate and thorough the first time. We will work with your doctors to make sure nothing is missed.

In head-on collisions, you may suffer injuries to any of the following parts of your body:

  • Face and head
  • Back, neck, and spine
  • Internal organs

You may suffer the following types of injuries:

  • Major internal bleeding
  • Broken and fractured bones
  • Amputated limbs
  • Severe burns

Compensation for Your Crash

The whole point of this is to get justice and compensation from the other driver or whoever may be to blame. We’ll make sure every damage you’ve suffered is accounted for. Including every economic and non-economic damage in your claim is a crucial part of maximizing your compensation.

In your Riverside head-on crash case, we may seek compensation for the following damages:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost or diminished income
  • Disability accommodations
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of support, consortium, care, and comfort
  • Property damage
  • Punitive damages
  • Wrongful death

Insurance and Comparative Negligence

Dealing with anyone’s insurer is a huge hassle. Insurance adjusters love to use anything they can against you to minimize the damage to their precious profits. You have to be careful of what you say and how you say it when commenting on the accident because they will twist it against you.

Their goal is to push the blame on you and use California’s comparative negligence laws to reduce your compensation. This rule allows you to file a personal injury suit even if you were partially at fault, but your compensation is reduced by the same percentage as the fault you hold. If, for instance, you win $100,000 but are 10 percent at-fault, then you’ll only get $90,000.

Reach Out to a Riverside Head-On Collision Attorney

If you have been injured in a head-on collision, you shouldn’t have to face financial stress to get the proper medical care. We’ll help you relax while you recuperate by handling the legal side of your accident.

Get in touch with a Riverside head-on collision lawyer from Kohan & Bablove, Injury Attorneys so we can begin building your case. You can schedule a free, no-obligation legal evaluation today by calling us at 1-844-404-2400 or filling out the form below.