Types of Damages That May Be Available in Personal Injury Case In California

I was referred to Jesse from my chiropractor after he reccomended I give him a call a couple of times. I was nervous to call an attorney, but so glad I did! Jesse Bablove handled everything while also ensuring I received any aftercare I needed to recover from the accident! Recognize your value and worth and give them a call. Thank you guys for going above and beyond!

Melanie Tydingco

Mr. Bablove managed to help me receive the maximum payout possible from my auto accident. He was very responsive and made sure I got every bit of medical attention I needed. He’s a good guy, I would highly recommend him.

Jeff Renfro

Upon being referred to the guys at Kohan & Bablove Injury Attorneys, I spoke with Jesse about my case, and from the get go he was super hands on and a genuine guy who treats you like family and cares for the well being of his clients. I would definitely recommend Jesse and his team to one of my friends or family members!

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Knowing the types of damages that may be available in a California personal injury case is essential to inform your legal strategy and empower you as a victim. This knowledge empowers you as a victim and helps you strategize your legal action.

We will delve into various aspects, such as lost wages and how to prove lost earning capacity in a personal injury case in California. We’ll discuss whether you can recover lost income if you can work but must take time off for medical appointments or therapy.

We will further explore property damage and its valuation process within a personal injury case context. Additionally, we’ll clarify if compensation for property damage can be recovered even when no physical injuries were sustained during an accident.

Punitive damages are another critical aspect covered here; learn about their purpose and conditions under which they might be awarded. Lastly, we touch upon wrongful death cases within the ambit of punitive damages in a personal injury case.

Sustaining an injury can be a life-altering experience, leaving you with physical, emotional, and financial burdens. When faced with such circumstances, hiring a personal injury lawyer from Kohan and Bablove Injury Attorneys can be crucial in seeking justice and obtaining fair compensation. These legal professionals possess the necessary expertise to gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and build a strong case on your behalf. 

Lost Wages

In California personal injury cases, lost wages are a big deal. When someone else’s negligence causes an accident that keeps you from working and earning your regular income, you deserve to be compensated for those losses.

Suppose you have been involved in a car accident or suffered property damage due to someone else’s negligence. In that case, it is crucial to seek guidance from skilled personal injury lawyers to ensure that you are fairly compensated for immediate medical expenses, anticipated future medical costs, and other expenses linked to long-term rehabilitation or disability. Personal injury attorneys can help you secure compensation for current medical costs and future expenses related to your healing or disability.

Health Insurance & Retirement Contributions

When you are injured and unable to work, the impact goes beyond the immediate loss of income. In many cases, individuals may also lose access to employer-provided health insurance coverage, leaving them vulnerable during a time when medical care is often essential. However, depending on the circumstances, you can claim the value of lost health insurance benefits as part of your compensation. An injury lawyer can help assess the situation and work towards securing a fair settlement that includes the cost of continuing or replacing health insurance coverage, ensuring you receive the necessary medical care during your recovery period.

Another critical aspect of employment benefits that can be affected by an injury is retirement contributions. If you cannot work due to your injury, you may miss out on employer contributions to your retirement savings, such as matching funds or employer-provided contributions to a 401(k) or pension plan. These missed contributions can significantly impact your long-term financial security. Fortunately, in some cases, you can claim the value of the lost retirement contributions as part of your compensation. An injury lawyer can help you understand the potential avenues for recovery and pursue a fair settlement that accounts for these significant financial losses.

Losing access to health insurance coverage and missing out on retirement contributions can have long-term implications for your well-being and financial security. It is essential to consult with an injury lawyer who can evaluate your case, identify the potential claims for lost benefits, and work towards securing fair compensation that includes these vital components. By doing so, you can mitigate the negative impact of your injury and safeguard your future financial stability.

Sick Leave & Vacation Days

Recovering from injuries can disrupt your life in various ways, including taking sick leave or vacation days instead of enjoying them for leisure. When seeking compensation for lost wages resulting from an injury, it is possible to include the value of sick leave and vacation days used during the recovery period.

When you sustain an injury that prevents you from working, the financial impact can extend beyond your regular income. If you had to exhaust sick leave or vacation days to recover, it represents a loss of additional compensation that you would have otherwise utilized for personal time or future needs. Including the value of these lost benefits in your compensation claim is crucial to ensure you are adequately reimbursed for the full extent of your financial losses. 

Considering the monetary value of the sick leave and vacation days used during your recovery period, you can strengthen your claim and seek fair compensation that encompasses all aspects of your lost wages.

Providing proper documentation and evidence to include sick leave and vacation days in your lost wages claim is essential. Start by gathering records demonstrating the number of days you could not work due to your injuries and the specific benefits you used during that time, such as sick leave or vacation accruals. Consult your employer’s policies and procedures to understand how these benefits are calculated and valued. Maintaining clear records of your sick leave balances and documenting the days used for recovery will help establish a strong foundation for your claim. 

Determining the monetary value of sick leave and vacation days can vary depending on your employment agreement and company policies. It is crucial to assess your employment contract, employee handbook, or company policies to understand how these benefits are calculated.

Sometimes, sick leave may be valued based on your regular daily wage, while vacation days may have a specific dollar amount assigned to them. By consulting with an injury lawyer and providing the necessary documentation, you can accurately calculate the financial worth of the sick leave and vacation days utilized during your recovery period. This valuation will contribute to a comprehensive lost wages claim that seeks fair compensation for the full extent of your financial losses.

Medical Appointments & Therapy Sessions

Recovering from an accident involves more than just physical healing. It often requires attending medical appointments and therapy sessions to aid in rehabilitation and recovery. Even if you can return to work after the accident, the time taken off for these necessary medical obligations should not be overlooked.

Following an accident, seeking medical treatment, and attending therapy sessions are crucial aspects of your recovery. These appointments are essential for monitoring your progress, managing pain, restoring functionality, and improving your overall well-being. While you can resume work, it is important to recognize that the time spent on medical obligations represents a significant investment in your health and recovery. Including these hours in your damages calculation acknowledges their impact on your daily life and compensates you for the time and effort dedicated to these essential activities.

Maintaining accurate records of these activities, including medical appointments and therapy sessions, is essential in calculating your damages. Keep a detailed log of all appointments, including dates, times, and the duration of each session. Request copies of medical reports, treatment plans, and invoices that clearly outline the nature and purpose of the appointments. These documents serve as tangible evidence to support your claim and demonstrate the extent of the time commitment required for your recovery. 

Getting compensation through a personal injury case can be complicated. That’s why you need a skilled personal injury lawyer who knows California law and court procedures. They’ll gather evidence like pay stubs before and after the accident and documentation showing any missed opportunities for overtime pay due to your injuries.

A legal professional can provide you with an understanding of what type of recompense may be available for your particular situation during a complimentary appointment. They’ll help you understand special damages (quantifiable losses) and general damages (non-economic harms like emotional distress).

Key Takeaway: 

Personal injury cases in California offer various types of damages. Damages can cover lost wages, benefits (e.g., health insurance, retirement contributions), time off for medical appointments or therapy, and missed opportunities for overtime pay. Consulting an experienced personal injury attorney is crucial for navigating the legal process and understanding the compensatory damages available in your specific case.

Proving Lost Earning Capacity in a Personal Injury Case in California

Injuries from personal injury cases don’t just take a physical toll—they can also cause substantial financial hardship, especially regarding lost wages. These accidents can lead to significant financial losses, especially when it comes to lost earning capacity. In California, proving this loss is crucial for securing fair compensation.

Lost earning capacity refers to the reduction in a person’s ability to earn income due to their injuries. This differs from lost wages, the actual earnings you’ve missed out on while recovering from your accident.

To prove lost earning capacity, several factors need consideration:

  • Evidence of Past Earnings: Show them the money. Your past pay stubs and tax returns provide a baseline for your typical earnings before the accident.
  • The Severity and Duration of Your Injuries: If your injuries prevent you from working or limit what kind of work you can do, this will affect your future earning potential. Medical records and doctor’s reports play an essential role here.
  • Your Age and Life Expectancy: Age is just a number, but it matters. The younger you are at the time of injury, the longer period over which future income loss could occur, making it higher.

The Department of Health Care Services-Personal Injury program seeks reimbursement for services for its beneficiaries involved in personal injury actions, such as auto accidents, slips and falls, and premises liability.

Besides these, vocational experts may also be used to assess how much your injuries have impacted your ability to work. They consider factors like education level, skills, and experience. These experts compare your pre-accident employment prospects with post-accident ones, helping establish the difference between the two scenarios and aiding the claim process.

Not every case warrants a claim for lost earning capacity; typically, only those involving serious long-term or permanent disabilities do so. It’s important to evaluate each situation individually, considering the case’s unique circumstances, to ensure the best outcome for the victim involved.

Key Takeaway: 

Proving lost earning capacity in a personal injury case in California is crucial for securing fair compensation. Factors such as past earnings, severity, duration of injuries, age, and life expectancy play a role in determining the impact on future earning potential. Vocational experts may also be used to assess the extent of work impairment caused by injuries.

Can you recover lost income if you have to take time off for medical appointments or therapy?

In California, individuals are entitled to full compensation for financial losses incurred due to medical absences. This compensation encompasses the actual wages lost and the potential earnings that could have been earned had the individual been actively working during that period.

Sick Leave Policies

Most businesses have policies for sick days, but they may not provide enough aid if you need to take an extended period off.

Disability Benefits

If you experience a temporary disability due to an injury, you may qualify for California State Disability Insurance (SDI). This program provides financial assistance to compensate for the loss of your usual income by providing a cash benefit.

Short-Term Disability Insurance

Some employers offer short-term disability coverage, which means they’ll pay you a percentage of your salary while you’re out of commission.

Paid Time Off (PTO) and Vacation Days

You can also use your vacation days or PTO during your recovery, but that means sacrificing some much-needed relaxation time.

Flexible Work Arrangements

If you’re lucky, your boss might let you work remotely or adjust your schedule to help you keep some cash flowing while you heal.


Ensure you have all the necessary documentation, like doctor’s notes and proof of missed work hours, to back up your compensation claim.

Remember: It’s crucial to consult with experienced lawyers, like Kohan & Bablove, LLP, who know how to navigate the legal maze and get you the maximum compensation you deserve.

Property Damage

Compensation isn’t just limited to physical injuries in a personal injury case. Property damage is also a big deal. It includes stuff like:

  • Vehicle Damage: If your vehicle sustains damage due to someone else’s negligence, you are eligible to receive compensation to cover the cost of repairs or to purchase a replacement vehicle.
  • Personal Belongings: Your fancy gadgets, clothes, and bling that got messed up in the incident can also be claimed for cash.
  • Real Estate Damage:  If someone else’s actions messed up your home or any other property, you can demand compensation.
  • Rental Expenses: If your ride is in the shop and you need a temporary one, you can get the money back for the rental.
  • Landscaping and Outdoor Structures: If your fences or fancy garden got destroyed, you could get paid for that too.

It is important to note that property extends beyond physical possessions. Even intangible assets can be considered; if they are damaged due to someone else’s negligence, you are entitled to seek compensation. To win your claim, you need solid evidence for each damaged item. So document everything and keep the evidence safe until the case is resolved.

How is property damage value determined in a personal injury case in California?

In California, the value of property damage in a personal injury case is determined by considering a few factors:

  • Actual Repair or Replacement Expenses: This refers to the genuine and accurate cost of repairing or replacing the damaged property. There are no deceptive tactics or manipulations involved in determining this amount.
  • Fair Market Value: It’s like finding out your property’s worth before it got messed up. Picture it as a snapshot of its value prior to any damage.
  • Diminished Value: If your vehicle has undergone repairs following an accident, yet its resale value has decreased, you can seek compensation for this loss. It is akin to a lingering punchline that continues to inflict harm.
  • Replacement Value: Refers to the amount required to purchase a comparable item at current market prices. It is akin to acquiring a brand-new toy to replace the broken one.
  • Depreciation: This factor considers the gradual decline in value over time due to wear and tear, which can diminish the worth of your belongings. Discovering that your cherished garment has lost its allure can be disheartening.

You’ll also need some documentation and evidence to back up your claims–photos, invoices, appraisals, you name it.

Now, figuring out the exact compensation can get tricky. That’s why you need the help of experienced personal injury attorneys. 

Can you get paid for property damage even if you’re not hurt?

In California, you can score some cash for property damage even if you didn’t get a scratch. Here’s the lowdown:

Property Damage Claims

You can seek compensation from either your insurer or the other party. They’ll cover repairs or replacements for your damaged stuff.

Insurance Coverage

Your coverage is key. Comprehensive and collision policies usually pay for property damage, no matter who’s at fault.

Third-Party Liability

If someone else caused the damage, their liability insurance should foot the bill. Regardless of intent, another party’s liability insurance should cover any damages.

Understanding Third-party Liability Insurance In California

Legal Principles

  • Negligence: The other party messed up and caused the incident.
  • Causation: Their actions directly led to your loss.
  • Damages: You lost money because of what they did.

Proving Fault in Personal Injury Cases: A Closer Look At Legal Principles

Evidence Required For Property Damage Claims

  • Cost estimation is provided by a professional repair person indicating the expenses required for repairing the damage.
  • Visual evidence illustrating the extent of damage to your belongings.
  • A comprehensive police report, if available, containing all the intriguing information and particulars regarding the incident.

Punitive Damages

These damages serve a dual purpose: not only do they aim to restore the victim to their previous state, but they also aim to impart a meaningful consequence to the defendant. Such damages are granted when the defendant’s actions surpass mere inadvertence and venture into severe misconduct. This includes gross negligence, intentional harm, and fraud or misrepresentation.

Gross Negligence:

In cases where the defendant’s disregard for caution reaches an extraordinary level akin to an Olympic sport, punitive damages may be invoked. This legal recourse can be likened to conveying the message, “Your negligence was so significant that you will face substantial financial consequences as a result.”

Intentional Harm:

When an individual intentionally causes harm to another, it transcends the realm of mere accidental occurrences. Punitive damages serve as a means to assert that the responsible party was fully aware of their actions and will now face the repercussions, symbolizing the notion of experiencing the consequences of their deliberate actions.

Fraud or Misrepresentation:

When an individual intentionally deceives or misleads others, resulting in harm, punitive damages can serve as a gratifying form of justice. It sends a clear message that their belief in evading accountability was unfounded, as they have been exposed. 

However, obtaining punitive damages in California is no simple task, requiring substantial evidence of the defendant’s egregious behavior, a task that Kohan & Bablove Injury Attorneys are well-equipped to assist with. 

Solid proof of the defendant’s reprehensible actions is crucial, and this is where legal professionals come into play. They will vigorously advocate for your right to receive the additional compensation you deserve. Before initiating any legal proceedings, seeking guidance from experienced lawyers is advisable. Additionally, the State Courts system should be considered a resource for personal injury matters in California.

When do you get the big bucks in a personal injury case?

In California, not every personal injury case guarantees automatic jackpot winnings. Similar to the cherry on top, punitive damages are only awarded in cases involving truly abhorrent behavior. Here’s when you have a chance to strike it big:

  • Gross Negligence or Recklessness: When an individual displays utter foolishness by blatantly disregarding the well-being and safety of others.
  • Intentional Harm: If the defendant intentionally caused harm to someone, they may be required to pay a significant amount in compensation.
  • Malicious Conduct: When mere negligence falls short, these individuals deliberately go above and beyond to inflict harm or distress.

Punitive damages may be applicable in cases where fraud or misrepresentation has occurred, corporate malpractices have taken place, intentional wrongdoing has been committed, or actions that society deems unacceptable have been performed. These penalties are a warning to others.

Fraud or Misrepresentation:

If someone intentionally deceives you, causing harm, they may be subject to additional penalties. For instance, if a car dealership sells you a defective vehicle without disclosing its issues, that constitutes clear-cut fraud.

Deterrence and Public Policy: Behave or Pay the Price

The primary purpose of punitive damages is to serve as a deterrent. By imposing significant financial consequences for misconduct, we aim to discourage its recurrence. It serves as a reminder that society demands accountable behavior and will not tolerate individuals who jeopardize the well-being of others.

Wrongful Death

In cases where an individual’s death results from another person’s negligence, it is crucial to be aware of your legal rights. Wrongful death claims in California follow specific rules and regulations, so taking them seriously and proceeding accordingly is essential.

Statute Of Limitations For Filing A Wrongful Death Claim In California

In California, you generally have two years from your loved one’s passing to file a wrongful death claim. But there might be exceptions.

  • Government entities and medical malpractice cases adhere to distinct timelines, adding a touch of complexity to the legal proceedings.
  • The opportunity for minors to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit ends two years after they reach the age of majority. It is truly remarkable how quickly children grow up.

Who Can File A Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

In California, only certain people can bring forth a wrongful death lawsuit:

  1. The spouse or domestic partner of the deceased individual. Love may cause pain, but seeking justice can provide relief.
  2. The children of the deceased individual. They also deserve to seek justice.
  3. If no spouse/partner or child exists, anyone who would inherit property through intestate succession can make a claim. 

What’s the Point of Punitive Damages in a Personal Injury Case?

However, there are instances where compensatory damages alone prove insufficient. This is where punitive damages come into play. Punitive damages, also referred to as exemplary damages, surpass mere compensation. 

Their purpose is to punish wrongdoers for their egregious conduct and deter others from engaging in similar actions. Unlike compensatory damages, which address tangible losses such as medical expenses or lost wages, punitive damages aim to penalize misconduct.

The criteria for awarding punitive damages can vary, but generally, it is necessary to establish intentional harm or gross negligence. In California, the burden of proof lies in presenting clear and convincing evidence that the defendant acted reprehensibly while deliberately disregarding the rights or safety of others.

That high standard reflects the seriousness of these penalties. They’re not for minor slip-ups but for major malice or oppression cases. Imagine an automaker knowingly selling defective cars without fixing safety issues to save money. If one of those cars causes a serious accident, punitive damages might come into play.

The size of these awards can vary a lot, depending on factors like:

  • The defendant’s reprehensible conduct
  • The difference between the harm suffered by the plaintiff and the amount awarded
  • The disparity between civil penalties in similar cases

Punitive damages aren’t just about getting back at bad actors. They’re also about sending a message to society and discouraging reckless behavior.


What are the types of damages in personal injury cases?

In some instances, punitive damages may also be awarded.

What are the different types of damages in California?

In California, there are two main categories for damages: economic (such as lost income and medical bills) and non-economic (like pain and suffering). Additionally, punitive damages can sometimes be awarded.

What are general damages in personal injury in California?

General Damages refer to non-economic losses like emotional distress, pain, and suffering experienced due to an accident.

What are special damages for personal injury?

Special Damages, also known as economic losses, cover quantifiable costs, such as medical bills or property repair costs.

Get a Reliable Personal Injury Lawyer Today!

Are you seeking comprehensive legal guidance regarding the potential damages that may be available in your personal injury case in California? Look no further than Kohan and Bablove Injury Attorneys. With our extensive experience and deep understanding of the California legal system, our dedicated team is ready to provide you with the support and advocacy you deserve.

You gain access to a team of skilled professionals committed to fighting for your rights. We will meticulously analyze your case, assess the extent of your injuries, and determine the various types of damages that you may be entitled to pursue. Whether it’s medical expenses, lost wages, pain, suffering, or other 

of compensation, we will work tirelessly to maximize your financial recovery.
Don’t delay seeking the justice you deserve. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and learn more about the damages available in your personal injury case in California.