Does Your Injury Lawyer Need Trial Experience?

April 3, 2023

Personal injury cases can be extremely complicated, and the right lawyer is essential to helping you get the compensation you deserve. 

But does it matter if your injury lawyer has ever argued a personal injury case before a judge and jury? This is a valid question for anyone considering hiring an attorney who specializes in personal injuries and accidents. 

In this post, we’ll answer that question and more, as we explore how much trial experience matters when choosing an injury lawyer for your case. If we can clarify anything further, the Kohan & Bablove Injury Attorneys legal team is always here to help injury victims with questions.

How an Injury Lawyer with Trial Experience Stands Apart

Your trial lawyer can make a big difference in your claim. Your trial lawyer is prepared to do more for your case, working hard to get you the results you deserve. Below are some of the key steps you need to know about that your lawyer can take for your claim: 

  • Trial Strategy – An injury attorney that has trial experience will know what type of evidence is needed, how to present it, and what type of questions need to be asked in order to win compensation. This is critical because there are certain ways that juries react to evidence that can make or break your case. 
  • Evidence Gathering – Sometimes it’s necessary for your injury lawyer to gather the evidence before they even go into court. They may need medical records, police reports, or other documents in order to prove your case against an opposing party or insurance company. Trial lawyers know exactly how to gather this information so that when it comes time for trial, all evidence needs are met.
  • The Confidence and Experience to Face Opposing Counsel – An injury lawyer that has trial experience has been through many trials before, so we don’t get intimidated by opposing counsel or judges who try to throw us off our game. We know how to handle ourselves in court, even if someone is overbearing or pushy.

All Injury Lawyers are Not Created Equal

Some lawyers engage mostly in settlement work and seldom appear in a courtroom. These lawyers may focus on quick, easy settlements that may get you paid faster, but may not be enough to cover all the expenses you’ve accrued because of your injuries. 

Then, there are those like our firm, who focus on trial work and are unafraid to fight for our clients in court. Our lawyers know it may take more time to get compensation in a trial, but we seek the full compensation you’re due, not just what they’re willing to settle with you for. 

There are some characteristics that you should look for in a trial attorney:

  • Experience presenting evidence and winning cases that have been in front of a judge and jury
  • Knowledge of the local courts and judges
  • The ability to communicate effectively with clients and attorneys in terms that laypeople can understand

Find the Right Injury Lawyer with Trial Experience

When you are seeking compensation for your injury, it is important to have the right attorney. When you need to bring your case to court, trial experience becomes vital.

Kohan & Bablove Injury Attorneys knows all the legal issues that may come up during the court process. Get a free consultation by filling out the form on our website or call 1-844-404-2400 for prompt assistance.